Vice President of Community Events

The Vice President of Community Events â€‹shall assist the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or in ability of that officer to act on behalf of the PTO. The Vice President of Community Events shall act as liaison with new families and maintain the school bulletin board(s). The Vice President of Community Events shall also oversee, jointly with other members of the Board, all student/academic enrichment efforts by the PTO. The Vice President of Community Events shall delegate the actual student/academic enrichment and community events efforts to appropriate committees. The Vice President of Community Events shall be an ex officio member of all student/academic enrichment and community events committees. The Vice President of Community Events shall also perform other duties as may be delegated by the board.

What does that mean?

The Community Events VP is in charge of community (non-fundraising) events. This is a creative position. If you love art, crafts, and Pinterest, this position is for you. In years past this has included Bingo Nights, Movie Nights, Back to school/year-end events, and bulletin boards. We don’t know what limitations we will have next year but we would love someone in this position to help where we can.